So the President wanted to lay down some tough words during his State of the Union. So tough, how can anyone swallow it. We at Zombified Times wonder what more can this administration do to damage this country. We can no longer seek free enterprise; choose what can go in our food. We soon will not be able to keep the money we earn. But in the infinite wisdom of our President it seems he feels that Colleges will need to stop raising tuition rates and if you do raise them you will loose federal aide.
Ok so not to seem I am against education, even if the number of college grads I have met over the past few years seem to be not any smarter than a typical 5th grader, I am against the government who brow beats and dictates what can and can not do. Price controlled by the government. Seems I have seen that somewhere else in the past 30 years, the former Soviet Union comes to mind.
Let me lay the scenario out. Cap tuition so people can afford college, still no jobs though. Well bakery, cap the price of bread so that people can afford it. Mister baker now closes his doors cause he can’t make any profit to buy materials to make bread or pay the taxes so that people have the free government money to buy bread. So now there is no bread to buy now everyone goes to the other bakery, they cannot keep up with the demand since they make no profit, they cannot buy more equipment. So now everyone stands in line waiting for the bread.
Cynical you say. Zombies are taking over our parks, protesting to stockbrokers, stealing people’s homes and down right being toxic by following the mainstream media’s spliced sound bites. We have been right in the past and we will be right again. Welcome to the United Socialist of America, led by the few, followed by the zombies.
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