Monday, November 14, 2011

Occupy This. Op Ed.

Zombified Times is taking a look a various Occupy locations and documenting the Zombified attempts and their failures.  Today we feature Albany, NY.

A few weeks ago the Mayor of Albany, NY gave free reign to protesters to camp out and peaceful protest at a city park.  While the protest went mostly problem free there were demands being made of the city, such as placing semi-permanent structures in the city park due to the onset of winter.  Zombified Times says boo-hoo.  Grow a pair protesters.  If you want to show you determination and dedication then buck up and deal.  We the tax payers don’t want Quonset huts in our parks.  The homeless of the city suffer then maybe you should taste their plight and get a real vision to real problems, not the fascination that some how you deserve a piece of my paycheck without doing any work.

Bradley Russell-Self proclaimed Zombie Messiah of Occupy Albany
So this past week one outspoken zombie, Bradley Russell decided that he would move across the street to a state owed park.  So a protest at the state park no big deal until this self-indulgent protester decided to camp out and build a fort on the park grounds.  He refused to remove the structure and was arrested.  I applaud the state police for doing this, but now it comes to light that the Albany County DA David Soares refuses to prosecute the protesters for the trespassing violation.  By Saturday night all the protesters moved their tents to the state park and were all arrested.  Wash, Rinse and repeat, they all showed up for Sunday and attempted to camp Sunday night, arrested again.  The law is the law DA and they broke it with out permits or permission to camp at a state park.

The zombie protestor’s motive is the fact that most of us do not care what they are doing and feel that they are infringing on our rights.  The mentality of some of these protesters is clearly not on the same plane as society as a whole and their desire for free self indulgence is unnerving.  Like Lemmings they follow each other unguided and misinformed.

Their should be guidelines to protesting the government and you should be able to answer simple questions such as, is the federal reserve a government agency?  Who controls the currency and management of the economy?  What year was the Declaration of Independence ratified?  When did women receive the right to vote?  It has been clear that many of these protesters when asked can not answer any of these questions and have failed the most basic history of our country.

Protesters, go home at night.  Get organized and come back in the morning and protest.  Better yet, maybe you should take heed to other countries that organized successfully through the use of the Internet, social media and grass root efforts.  Standing around yelling at New York’s Capital will not do anything except continue to make you look like the idiots and the media is no longer on your side.  You do have the right to free speech, the right to assemble but you do not have the right to infringe on my pursuit of happiness and affect my quality of life by trashing our parks.

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