Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Former House Speaker takes a vacation.

Several news sources have revealed that the Presidents 2011 Christmas vacation to Hawaii has exceeded $4,000,000.  Now we all know that any trip the President takes is a bit costly.  You have security, staff, family an occasional round of golf and maybe a cheeseburger.  He deserves the time out of the beltway but as an American who takes vacations he could have been like most of us and done a holiday on a budget.  Poor judgment on his part seeing the current state of our country and knowing taxpayers are footing the bill for at least 80%.

But now it is being reported that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, also vacationing in Hawaii, is spending at least $10,000 a day at a resort.  Now Mrs. Pelosi why are you not staying at one of your wonderful hotel locations that you own?  You have claimed to be a champion of the poor and defender of the zombified masses but yet you are tossing tax payer dollars, or was it insider trading money, on this very exclusive vacation.  I mean the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at the Historic Ka’upulehu in Kona, wow.  I can’t even sell my house to stay there for the weekend.  You definitely are not setting the example; you may have been better off staying at one of the fine hostiles in NYC.  Get to know your fellow Americans, better yet maybe stay in a tent on the beaches of Waikiki like so many Hawaiians are forced to do.  Mrs. Pelosi you need to loose the Marie Antoinette persona.
Nancy "Marie Antoinette" Pelosi - Insider what?
We have found out that Mrs. Pelosi has secured the local police to escort her and on her last two holiday trips it is reported that has exceeded $34000 to the local tax payers.  How long are we going to allow this behavior from our officials, especially since we have insider trading on capital hill with laws that are exclusively made to not pertain to them.  We need to make changes and coming shortly Zombified Times will post a Manifest of Public Service for elected Officials.  Change congress, change the house, change the politicians, we need to put ethics in our already ethic less government.  Members like Reed, Pelosi, and Boehner need to be removed from office, arrested and imprisoned.

We are in no way excusing the zombie masses that support the mindless dribble these leaders feed them but for the real folks trying to survive, trying to find work and trying to do what is right, we deserve to have fair retribution for crimes committed against us.  

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