Wednesday, April 25, 2012

City of Troy lets Non-profit bully a small business.

     Unity House Shelter for abuse victims in North Troy, NY blocked an emergency exit of a small salon with a stockade fence.  Calls placed to CEO Chris Burke of Unity House have not been returned.  It has also been reported that the City of Troy is refusing to get involved in the issue as they have commented on this is a civil issue.  Code enforcement also has refused to get involved at this point.  In unconfirmed reports it has been noted that Unity House had most of the construction which included demolition of a historical building and construction of a new building in a residential area on Troy, NY in the Lansingburgh area without permits.  City officials have been accused of turning a blind eye to this project due to several lawsuits Unity House brought against the city over the past few years, again reinforcing what many believe that the democratic controlled city is still under major corruption.  Voter fraud scandels, removal of public auction of properties for sealed bids and general shady practices that the past mayor tried to irradicate.  Zombified Times will keep you posted on this situation.

The fence leaves almost 4 inches to get out
Builders said the fence is removable with a screwdriver
     Zombified Times has official listed the Troy City Council and CEO Chris Burke as Aprils Dumb Asses of the month for your lack of support for the residents of the city and particularly the blatant stupidity of what you did to the salon, their patrons and the owner, as well the citizens of Troy.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Freedom of speech does not apply to the military, sort of.

Obviously, we at Zombified Times are all for free speech but what the hell was Sgt. Gary Stein thinking when he started posting anti-Obama comments on Facebook as well as printing anti-Obama bumper stickers?  I served in the Navy for 15 years and my father for 20+ years.  My aunt and grandfathers and great uncles all served as well. So I have some knowledge of this as in the way that the military looks at it but com'on. What makes you think it is ok to bash your boss, the commander and chief?  And Marine Corp are you no longer teaching that as a soldier you no longer have a full freedom of speech?

Members of the military have the right to say or to write what they think, up to a point. They can't say things that encourage violence (other than as part of authorized military operations) or urge others to violate military regulations. They can't communicate with "the enemy," for example, by writing letters to Iraqi officials or soldiers. Article 88 of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) makes it a crime for a commissioned officer to use "contemptuous words" against the President, Vice-President, Secretary of Defense, and other specified high government officials. Enlisted members can be prosecuted under Article 134 for using similar words. The words have to be "to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, or conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces." Military members have gotten into trouble for calling officials "fascists," "thieves," murderers" "tyrants" "fools" and "gangsters." This law is selectively enforced. Some officers didn't get in trouble for saying bad things about President Clinton, for example. Article 117 of the UCMJ outlaws using "provoking or reproachful words or gestures" towards someone else in the military. The more real danger, however, if from saying things that could make other members desert, disobey lawful orders, or refuse to do their jobs. That kind of speech could violate Article 82 of the UCMJ, which makes it a crime for someone in the military to ask someone else to desert or mutiny (disobey orders as a group).

Members of the military can write letters to newspapers -- so long as they are not part of an organized letter campaign for a political candidate, party, or partisan political cause. (This rule, is found in Army Regulation 600-20, Appendix B). It is unclear what the Army means by "partisan political cause," but it probably means a cause promoted by a political party. Military members can also publish their own newspapers - so long as they do it while they are off duty and don't use military paper, ink, computers, phones, or other supplies or equipment. Of course, members may not say or give the impression that they are speaking on behalf of the military.

When you took that oath Sgt. Stein you promised to uphold the constitution of the United States as well as follow and support the Commander and Chief.  Common sense says keep your comments to yourself.  If it was a regular job and you bad mouth your boss, you would get fired.  Are are soldiers becoming that stupid?  This has been seen over and over again.  Why are they taking pictures of POW's, why are they sharing stories of interrogations?  Why are they talking about methods of interrogations?

What the media and the public do not know about are best kept that way for the sake of the military and national security.  What ever happened to the Office of Censorship, why is the military even letting this stuff get out.  As a soldier you are held to a higher standard than the common citizen and your job is probably the most dangerous job now a days, but you need to have some common sense and some restraint.  Sure we are now contending with the digital age, social media and right here right now mentality but you as a soldier have the ability to prevent these stupid, costly and potentially dangerous activities that can unravel all the good work that so many others in the military are doing.

Sgt. Stein, you get what you deserve, OTH discharge is light considering the circumstances and the fact we are still in a combat mode.  If the corps decided to go dishonorable that would be fine with me.  Your behavior was totally unacceptable and a disgrace to the Marines and all American Soldiers and Sailors, past and present.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Secret Congressional Laws go in to effect 4/5/2012

In an amazing but typical fashion congress has passed several new laws that will go in effect on April 5th 2012. The passing of these laws will have far reaching effect over how all Americans live.  In all the House voted down all of these mandates but due to Presidential over ride they have been set to go into law.  Lets take a look at a few.

One law states that dispensing candy, eggs, plastic grass and woven baskets will be banned and any person found in violation will be subject to a fine of $10,000 and or 10 years in prison.  Senator Harry Reid stated that this is a sweeping regulation that one will protect Americans from becoming obese, will make it fair for those who can not enjoy candies or eggs, honor those who a true vegetarians and protect the environment from the over harvesting of various grasses and wood products used in making baskets.  Sen. Reid stated that we can no longer live in the have and have not society and everyone needs to have equal access to everything or all will be denied access to everything.

Candy maker Hershey in Hershey, PA commented that they tried desperately to stop the legislation but now will be forced to close, but they will keep the amusement park open as a museum so that we can honor they history of candy and never forget the contributions candy made to world peace, but to not push the governments buttons they will remove all candy charactures from the park and will remove any candy related name to any ride or entertainment venue at their Hershey Park.

Also in another law congress put forth is that the United States will no longer honor Easter as a holiday due to the fact that it is religious based and not all Americans follow the Judeo-Christian faith.  Other holidays that are going to be eliminated will be Christmas, Hanukkah, Halloween, Veterans Day.  Senator Boxer said we need to remove these "holidays" cause not everyone is a veteran, not everyone believes in Halloween, Christmas or Hanukkah.  We have also left the law open to add other days a needed.

Welcome to the New America
At this point Zombified Times really can not make any comment on these few laws other than we have warned you, that things will be getting ridiculous and we are seeing it now.  NYC schools are banning words, such as dinosaur, birthday, dancing and several others.  We can still save the US from Zombification but it will be a hard battle to fight and we all need to stand up and take back our country and our beliefs.  How much more are we going to allow the government to take away from us and how much more will we keep giving them?