Monday, January 30, 2012

Republicans: You’re taking the wrong approach.

           So much has been voiced that the republicans need a candidate to beat President Obama and they are spending millions of dollars to promote that as well as tear apart the competition, that not one candidate has put forth any feasible policy changes to help get this zombie nation out of the dumpster.  Romney and Gingrich are brow beating each other, Santorum is getting shut out by the media and no one really cares what Paul has to say, why?  Well the media for one, the party for two and the lack of a desirable agenda or any agenda to present the American people.

            The party and the American people will be far better served if the candidates pull the political machine out of there proverbial party asses and lay down the “What I will do for this country.” Currently with all the focus on who slept where, made money how, and what moon we are going to live on, we have not heard any substance on the economy, national defense, smaller government, taxation and how you, the candidate, will get the government out of my business.

            On the other hand the democrats need to really look for an alternative to compete against the President.  The truth is he has failed at every opportunity he has been presented and I am not talking about the lame ass house and senate issues, but in instances where he could have set the decision himself.  The pipeline being one.  Had he approved that he most definitely would have take the jobs issue into his corner. Now that is has been essentially squashed, TransCanada is looking at taking the pipe line westward, connecting to current infrastructure that they have in the US and getting it to the Gulf with out any intervention by the US, cutting out ExxonMobil and any chance of new jobs coming to the US.  I know the dems have someone in the wings.  You need to bring forth the moderate to replace the President.

            Republicans get the hell out of the boxing ring and bring something to the table so that we can make a real decision on where you stand on real issues that effect real people.  I do not want to here about Buffets’ overpaid secretary, being over taxed.  I know our office secretary would kill for $200k a year.  If the only issue you can all find is to defeat Obama, then you have sealed that last nail in your political coffin.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Welcome to the United Socialist of America

So the President wanted to lay down some tough words during his State of the Union.  So tough, how can anyone swallow it.  We at Zombified Times wonder what more can this administration do to damage this country.  We can no longer seek free enterprise; choose what can go in our food. We soon will not be able to keep the money we earn.  But in the infinite wisdom of our President it seems he feels that Colleges will need to stop raising tuition rates and if you do raise them you will loose federal aide.

Ok so not to seem I am against education, even if the number of college grads I have met over the past few years seem to be not any smarter than a typical 5th grader, I am against the government who brow beats and dictates what can and can not do.  Price controlled by the government.  Seems I have seen that somewhere else in the past 30 years, the former Soviet Union comes to mind.

Let me lay the scenario out.  Cap tuition so people can afford college, still no jobs though.  Well bakery, cap the price of bread so that people can afford it.  Mister baker now closes his doors cause he can’t make any profit to buy materials to make bread or pay the taxes so that people have the free government money to buy bread.  So now there is no bread to buy now everyone goes to the other bakery, they cannot keep up with the demand since they make no profit, they cannot buy more equipment.  So now everyone stands in line waiting for the bread.

Cynical you say.  Zombies are taking over our parks, protesting to stockbrokers, stealing people’s homes and down right being toxic by following the mainstream media’s spliced sound bites.  We have been right in the past and we will be right again.  Welcome to the United Socialist of America, led by the few, followed by the zombies.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Weekly World News now is leader in new media

NOT.  From the news source that gives us everything bat boy related.......

It appears that Weekly World News reported that on Monday January 23rd, Callista Gingrich, the wife of the Presidential runner and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, called 911 to report a woman was breastfeeding her one-month-old son near her home.

Needless to say the mindless zombies quickly grabbed this story like a fresh brain hitting the floor and spread across the World Wide Web of mis-information.  Even CNN posted the story.  Within the day it was traveling Facebook, Twitter, and by the end it was every where.  We must report the Mrs. Gingrich was in Florida when this all transpired and in no way were any breast-feeding babies harmed but with the help of the Weekly World News we should have a few thousand more empty heads out there that can be Zombified shortly.

What are you?

DEMOCRAT - The Party believes that government should play a role in alleviating poverty and social injustice, even if that means a larger role for government and progressive taxation to pay for social services.

REPUBLICAN - Republicans have a strong belief in personal responsibility, limited government, and corporate entrepreneurship, small to large businesses.

LIBERALS – Believes in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all.  It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights.  Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

CONSERVATIVES – Believes in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense.  Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

ZOMBIE -  A living being stripped of it’s will, humanity, and normal behavior by outside forces either supernatural and mundane.

See any resemblance here?

Conservative does not mean Republican. Get over your liberal lame ass.

Sad, sad day. After surfing through comments and articles I have realized that people really have no clue on American History, American Politics or how the two shaped each other. People want to carry labels such as Conservative or Liberal, but neither know the history of those titles. It kind of reminds me of a story from the film “Reel Injun”. It commented that in the 60's the Native American had become so popular that everyone claims to be part {insert tribe here}, but they know nothing of that tribe’s culture. Can one person tell me what year conservatism came to fruition in the Republican Party?

By the way this picture is mistaken...all the items listed here have nothing to do with conservatives and republicans. Know your facts, know your history.

Know the real facts before you make statements like these

  1. Liberals got women the right to vote - False
    1. 19th Amendment – 1920 – Republicans carried the majority vote.  Conservative Democrats opposed
‎19th Amendment Voting Record - Right vote regardless of sex

Republicans - 36.
Democrats - 20.

Republicans - 8.
Democrats - 17.

  1. Liberal got African Americans the right to vote - False
    1. 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment – 1870
    2. 13th Amendment: Congressional Republicans passed the 13th Amendment unanimously – against nearly unanimous Democrat opposition (1864)
    3. 14th Amendment: In Congress, all votes in favor of the 14th Amendment were from Republicans, and all votes against it were from Democrats. (1866)
    4. 15th Amendment: Nearly all Republicans in Congress voted in favor, though a few abstained, saying it did not go far enough.  Nearly all Democrats in Congress voted against the 15th Amendment. (1869)

  1. Liberal created Social Security 
    1. Social Security Act of 1935 – President F. Roosevelt (Democrat)  was not endorsed by the Conservative Democrats but received a record number of Conservative Republic endorsements.  In terms of today’s standards Roosevelt would have been labeled a moderate Democrat.
    2. Vote Record
Vote Record
Yes            284
No             15

Yes            81
No             15

Farm Labor
Yes            1
No             2

Yes            6
No             1

Yes            60
No             1

Yes            16
No             5

Farm Labor
Yes            1
No             0

Yes            0
No             0

  1. Liberals ended segregation – Actually this was first put forth by Truman to desegregate the military, Executive order 9981, 1948.  Truman was a Conservative Democrat who promised liberal changes.  He did however refuse to get involved in the Civil Rights issues.  He only acted on one liberal campaign promise.  This became law under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  1. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act
    1. (1866) Vetoed by President Andrew Johnson (Democrat) Lincoln picked Johnson to be VP in his theory of “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”  Johnson refused to support the “Freemans” rights which lead to the first impeachment of a president.  Republican congress ratified the Civil Rights Act of 1866 over Johnson’s vetoes.
    2. (1964) (Lydon B. Johnson, Conservative Democrat)  Johnson was against the Civil Rights Act as VP under JFK, he only opted to vote for in an attempt to grab the African American vote that Kennedy had secured on the promise of passage of the Civil Rights Act.  Still 17 Conservative Democrats filibustered in an attempt to fail the passage of the act.
    1. As a side not then Congressman John F. Kennedy voted against the Civil Rights Bill in 1957

  1. Liberals created the
    1. Voting Rights Act – 1965 (Lydon B. Johnson, Conservative Democrat)
                                                              i.      Removed the Literacy requirement section of the Civil Rights Act of 1866
                                                            ii.      Reaffirmed by President George Bush, Republican, 2006
    1. Vote Record –Clearly the Republicans were in favor of this act.
Senate: 77–19
Democrats: 47–17
Republicans: 30–2

House: 333–85
Democrats: 221–61
Republicans: 112–24

Conference Report:
Senate: 79–18
Democrats: 49–17
Republicans: 30–1

House: 328–74
Democrats: 217–54
Republicans: 111–20

  1. Liberals created Medicare
    1. Social Security Act of 1965 – Fully controlled Democratic Senate and House.  Would have passed even if all Republicans voted no.  Most republicans that voted no claimed it did not go far enough. 
    1. Voting Record
Vote Record
Democrats             Yes      57        No       7
Republican             Yes      13        No       17

Democrats             Yes      237      No       48
Republican             Yes      70        No       68

  1. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act
    1. 1963, Amendment 1970
    2. The act had full bipartisan support.  Those against were lobbyist for the auto industry and quickly became a non issue due to time for re-engineering of the automobiles.

  1. Liberals passed the Clear Water Act
    1. 1977- Really.  This was an amendment to the 1972  Federal Water Pollution Control Act, which came from the Congressional laws of 1880 and 1890 forming the Refuse Act of 1910 to prevent dumping in any harbor.
    2. Congress basically gave more power to the EPA.
Civil Right News letter. Open your minds! Click here to view.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Occupy Zombies Infest Brooklyn, NY Home

Not that many care about the Occupy Wall Street Zombies at this point but Zombified Times has learned that their infestation has crossed the line once again.  Let us recap what has happened.  On December 5th 2011, the announced that they would “reclaim” the foreclosed Brooklyn home and give the home to a homeless family.  Such a novel idea.

            The family to receive the wonderful gift, headed by Alfredo Carrasquillo arrived to a December 6th ceremony to a welcome mat and the key to this two level row style house.  But as we have seen in the past with the zombies not all is what it pretends to be.
The house was presented by the demonstrators to Alfredo Carrasquillo, center, with his two children, who works for an organization that supports the OWS cause

            OWS loves to display the smoke and mirror effect, similar to those they claim to be protesting against, and this is no different.  The OWS knew that the house they were moving the “family” to was not foreclosed but was under foreclosure proceedings.  The family was not a homeless family as the head of the family, Alfredo Carrasquillo, runs the VOCAL-NY, citizens group that works closely with OWS.  OWS stated that they also spent $9500 “breaking” into the house and setting it up for the family.  The house in fact is owned by a single father of two that has been in and out of foreclosure hearings since 2009 with Bank of America.  Bank of America confirmed that Wise Ahadzi is in fact the rightful owner of the home.

            The New York Post reported that they visited the house and the family was nowhere to be found, in fact the only people in the house were zombies.  When one of the zombies were questioned her refused to say how many were living there but mattresses were seen on the floor of the living room as well as a wall was missing, and clearly no building permits were visible.  The zombie also commented that they were almost done with the renovations.

            Wise Ahadzi, the actual owner, was infuriated over the invasion and has asked for the zombies to leave, but as of today they are refusing to leave.  Ahadzi, a single father of two girls, 3 and 10, said he could be raising his daughters back in his Brooklyn home but can not move back in because of the zombies, who police refuse to remove.  Ahadzi was a day trader until he was laid off in 2009 and has been fight with Bank of America since then on getting the mortgage restructured so he can remain in the home and in early December he was allowed to return to the home while the proceeding continued, but the OWS are not allowing that to happen.  Ahadzi also wonders why are they not fighting for me, why take my home and give it to someone else?  According to what Mr Ahadzi's lawyer told him through communication with the OWS leaders, he has to be with 'an organization' as well as homeless to qualify for their assistance.

          They do not represent the real people needing help, they represent the fascist, socialist side that believes no one should have more than someone else.  This is becoming clearer with every protest and every take over.  Zombified Times has warned you, what are you going to do to defend yourself against the zombie invasion?  

Friday, January 6, 2012

Manifest of Congressional Change

  1. Members of Congress, either in House or Senate treated as one in the same, shall serve no longer than a term of 4 years, unless re-elected.  Members may serve a maximum of 5 terms for a total of 20 years after which they will have a mandatory retirement.

  1. Terms will serve opposite of presidential term, not concurrent to.
  1. Members will receive pay based on United States Military Officers Pay Scale, with a stipend and housing allowance based on current MOPS allowances.

  1. Congressional members will not be eligible for retirement benefits until after 20 years of service.  Retirement benefits will mirror the US Military Benefit Schedule.
  1. No member of Congress shall hold any other employment during their term in office.

  1. Members will be eligible for Government Housing while in session as well as travel reimbursement while on official business as determined necessity.  Members will also utilize military travel free of charge when available or will receive reimbursement not to exceed cost of use of available military travel or government travel office commercial travel cost.
  1. All members are held accountable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Code of Conduct.  Any position vacated due to criminal activity, death or resignation shall hold a special election voted on by the constituents of their district to fill the position for the remainder of the term.

  1. Each member will receive a staff consisting of one (1) legal advisor, one (1) office assistant and one (1) page.  Any additional staff will need to be paid for by the member directly.  Members are not to utilize interns.  Interns will be placed by the United States Office of Personnel Management, when applicable.
  1. Members will receive paid dental and health care under the Tri-Care program or may purchase their own private insurance at their own cost.

  1. Members may serve on special committees or accept special appointments set by the President.  Additional pay for these duties will be awarded not to exceed 2 times the members current pay rate.  Members can not serve on more than one special committee or Presidential appointment per term.

Lets get this out there.  Feel free to re-post and comment on additions you would like to see.  We need to get the elitist out of Washington and set the government back to be for the people not for the few.  This is the Zombified Times Manifest of Congressional Change.

Balsa - Editor
Zombified Times