Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Be Back soon

We apologize on not posting much the past few weeks but we are taking some deserved time off and working on the radio show.  Keep your eyes on our facebook page and twitter, we are always posting there.

We have several stories and follow-ups in the works.  Thanks for reading Zombified Times!

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Retrospect - some unpublished rants from early on.

I was looking at some rants I penned a few years ago and thought it would be a good time to take a look back at what was the issues in 2009 so read on and take a look what was eating at us then and see how much of it has come true....enjoy.

1.3 Trillion for Health Care????? •July 15, 2009

So now the Obama Administration is spending tax dollars to run ads of disgruntle Americans who have had problems with health care or should I say they have had problems with their insurance.  So who foots the “Social Medice for all”.  We do, our employers and the wealthy.  I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.  In fact last week I had $30 dollars till payday, no savings and I still had health care.  How did society get to this?  I’ll tell you, your hippie 60′s parents, drug  induced radicals.  Why should I have to pay for some moron who can’t take care of themselves and feels the need to smoke or sit on the couch day after day and waste away.  I smoke, I like to sit on my ass and do nothing and if I can’t get the insurance to cover my illnesses then I guess I die, oh freakin well.

Lets look at what this is going to do with our employers.  First of all if this goes through and my employer is forced to pay more for healthcare, we will close.  So what you say well simply put 125 people will be unemployed and our community will loose 1.2 millon dollars a year from tax payer dollars spent locally and almost 3 million dollars will be lost in tax revenue to the city, county, state and federal government.  No effect, hmmm, not.

How about those who are bitching sit down and look at what their insurance plan offers, talk to you employers and find out if they can purchase more options.  More than 3/4 of all insured americans have no clue as to what is covered and what is not in their health or dental insurance.  They have no clue as to what medicines are covered and best of all they listen to their doctors as the word of god.  That is just pure lazy stupidity.  You have no problem going to a new machanic when you feel you are getting screwed at the garage, why would you let the doctor be the sole decision maker of your health.  I guess the car is more important.  It will go far when you are dead.

Era of open policy – not •May 6, 2009

So in January President Obama said that then public will know everything that is going on in the government.  But yesterday we were informed that those fine fly over photos would not be release to the public…double standard, sounds like it.

Senator Reid skirted answering Matt Lauers question on if there would be Bush Administration Officials prosecuted for “Torture of Prisoners”  Why investigate Diane Finestine if you are not planning on prosecution?  I can say I have been water boarded, and placed in a CS gas chamber, hey I am still here.  Although we would think of a higher standard based on the current presidency for how we treat combatants, it will come all down to one thing.  Our soldier will do what they probably should do in the first place…shoot kill and never ask questions.  It seems that asking questions will get you in more trouble.  Maybe if we buy them flowers and a hug they will be  nice to us.  Of course the rest of the world will take those gifts and screw us with out as much as a kiss!

The economy – get over it.  I think the American public is catching on to who is really screwing us.  Last night there was a commercial with Citi, Capital One and some other companys that they will work with you in adjusting your payments so you can afford to be in debt.  So I just picked up the phone called one of my credit card company’s that decided that after 25 years with the card and company and no late payment, a small 3 digit balance decided to bump my intrest from 6% to 23%. WHHHAAATTTTTTTTTTT!  I talked with them and said look I can not afford the new payment of $150 (previous payment was $30)  Their offer, close the account, spread the payment over 12 months, then what?  Well the interest was still the same the finance charge changed the balance so when all was said and done I would have paid over $2500 on a $900 balance.  The banks need to forclose faster on these derilects that purchased homes they could not afford in the first place.  Now now, I am not talking about the person that just lost their job but Jim and Sally Public who have a combined income of $100,000 a year and were given a $1,000,000 mortgage, 100% L2V and an adjustable rate that went from 5 to 11%,  Sure I blame the banks for issuing a loan like that then taking my retirement and investing it in the housing market, but are you so stupid that you could think you could really afford that?  Hey bail this!  I bought my house base on what I can afford, and guess what…I still live in it, and it is worth more than when I bought it (because of repairs and upgrades I did) not because some market over inflated the price.

Take me to your leader •March 4, 2009

So now the main stream media idiots are putting forth some dribble that Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the republican party…..just like Al Franken is the leader of the democratic party…asses.  Plain and simple.  The Dems in the office now are the typical snot nose little cry babies.  Please take your ball and go home.  The fact of the matter is that President Obama has surrounded himself with Clinton failures and and inexperienced dopes that he is going to fail.  This is very similar to the college grad who didn’t get the job and his mom calls the company to complain about not hiring her son.

Republicans need grow a set.  I can’t stand it, maybe I will go beat somebody at the sandbox to feel better!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Birth control mandate for men from Democrats

     Democrats have announced today that they have come up with an equal contraceptive coverage for men to equal women in an attempt to raise the favoritism toward government mandated health coverage.  While this will not cover, condoms or surgical procedures such as vasectomies, it will cover a pill that will aid in the governments attempt to control population and keep Americans dependent on them so that they can continue to spread the socialist agenda they so desired.  In a sub section of the provision it also decrees that elementary schools will be able to administer to all males with out parental consent, which should help keep all those parents happy that they no longer need to make decision for their sons and that the government will take care of that for them.  When we asked when did this contraception become available, Nancy Pelosi commented that it has always been available for as long as she can remember, Senator Charles Schumer says he has used it for all of his life.
     We at Zombified Times are baffled as to what male contraception was available that was equal to the women's version.  We contacted our health contributor and he says it is a very inexpensive contraception that has been around even longer than women's oral contraception, to use it you simply take a pill and place it in your shoe.  It will make you limp.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

13 year old boy burned by two teens

Two teenagers allegedly attacked a 13-year-old boy and set him on fire with gasoline in what police in Kansas City, Missouri are investigating as a possible hate crime.  The boy was followed home from, East High School by two teens who, once they reached the boys home, blocked his access to the house, restrained him in a head lock and poured gasoline on his head.  One of the teens said this is what you get white boy, then lite the lighter igniting the gas, burning the 13 year old's eye lashes and eyebrows off and singeing the boys hair.  Through quick thinking he pulled his shirt over his head and stopped the fire.

Authorities described the two suspects are african american, about 16 years old with facial hair. One was wearing a black hooded-sweatshirt and dark sunglasses. The other wore a blue jacket, a blue winter hat and blue-green Nike Air Jordan sneakers.

This is not the first assault on a student at the school.  East High has approximately 91 students listed as white and the school predominantly is made up of African american and Hispanic students.  It has been noted that there are several reports of teachers at the school repeatedly attacking white students, verbally assaulting them over the fact they are white.

Yet another incident at East High.  Ms. Veda, and advanced English teacher at East High, who after watching graphic material of lynchings in the South, through the early to mid 20th century, mind you this is an English class not a Civ class, attacked twin sisters, telling them that 'everybody from Texas is ignorant rednecks'" and that all white people were "responsible for Jasper because [their] skin is white."  This reference is to an atrocity in Jasper, TX, in which three white men murdered a black man in 1998.  The girls are originally from Texas.

In a similar story for the same school, the American Thinker reported:

Another white victim is 15-year-old Ashley Miller, whose family had moved to K.C., MO, from Kansas.  Subject to racial harassment, she was called names such as "white b****."  She also actually shared a class with Allen Coon, and as the only two white students in the room, they became the target of sexual comments.  Moreover, she reports the same experience with race-baiting videos as do the Wildeisens: they would be shown, and an onus would be placed on the white students.  Her mother Melissa told me that she now fears for her daughter's safety and, you guessed it, is in the process of withdrawing Ashley from East High.  And the rest of the pattern is holding, too: the Millers are contemplating leaving the area. Read more

Was this a hate crime, the current facts would support that.  Zombified Times has repeatedly contacted the East High Principal and the Kansas City School District as well as the school board president and have either been told "no comment" or no statement at this time.  We suspect that KC Police will not arrest anyone for the crime and after getting comment from the KC City council the school district itself may be a train wreck waiting to happen.  City Council wants to regain control of the school district and remove all members of the board, but would not specify reasons why.  East High as well as most schools in the district rank in the lowest 20% of all performing schools in the United States, and why not,  with teachers who have no business teaching such as Ms. Veda.  And people why we have all the Zombies coming right out of high school.

Balsa -

Friday, March 2, 2012

This has gotta be the best weapon invented since gun powder

SpeechJammer.  Watch the video, need I say more?

This has to be the greatest weapon created since gun powder.  I love the Japanese.  I have word from The American Survival Guide about this type of device also being available from Sig Sauer, Ruger, Remington, Smith & Wesson, DPMS, Colt, Kimber, Bushmaster, Kahr, Benelli Barrett and Dillon Aero.  Now of course this won't stop brain eating Zombies but it will stop those mind numbing Zombies from annoying the hell out of the rest of us!
