Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Occupy Zombies Infest Brooklyn, NY Home

Not that many care about the Occupy Wall Street Zombies at this point but Zombified Times has learned that their infestation has crossed the line once again.  Let us recap what has happened.  On December 5th 2011, the announced that they would “reclaim” the foreclosed Brooklyn home and give the home to a homeless family.  Such a novel idea.

            The family to receive the wonderful gift, headed by Alfredo Carrasquillo arrived to a December 6th ceremony to a welcome mat and the key to this two level row style house.  But as we have seen in the past with the zombies not all is what it pretends to be.
The house was presented by the demonstrators to Alfredo Carrasquillo, center, with his two children, who works for an organization that supports the OWS cause

            OWS loves to display the smoke and mirror effect, similar to those they claim to be protesting against, and this is no different.  The OWS knew that the house they were moving the “family” to was not foreclosed but was under foreclosure proceedings.  The family was not a homeless family as the head of the family, Alfredo Carrasquillo, runs the VOCAL-NY, citizens group that works closely with OWS.  OWS stated that they also spent $9500 “breaking” into the house and setting it up for the family.  The house in fact is owned by a single father of two that has been in and out of foreclosure hearings since 2009 with Bank of America.  Bank of America confirmed that Wise Ahadzi is in fact the rightful owner of the home.

            The New York Post reported that they visited the house and the family was nowhere to be found, in fact the only people in the house were zombies.  When one of the zombies were questioned her refused to say how many were living there but mattresses were seen on the floor of the living room as well as a wall was missing, and clearly no building permits were visible.  The zombie also commented that they were almost done with the renovations.

            Wise Ahadzi, the actual owner, was infuriated over the invasion and has asked for the zombies to leave, but as of today they are refusing to leave.  Ahadzi, a single father of two girls, 3 and 10, said he could be raising his daughters back in his Brooklyn home but can not move back in because of the zombies, who police refuse to remove.  Ahadzi was a day trader until he was laid off in 2009 and has been fight with Bank of America since then on getting the mortgage restructured so he can remain in the home and in early December he was allowed to return to the home while the proceeding continued, but the OWS are not allowing that to happen.  Ahadzi also wonders why are they not fighting for me, why take my home and give it to someone else?  According to what Mr Ahadzi's lawyer told him through communication with the OWS leaders, he has to be with 'an organization' as well as homeless to qualify for their assistance.

          They do not represent the real people needing help, they represent the fascist, socialist side that believes no one should have more than someone else.  This is becoming clearer with every protest and every take over.  Zombified Times has warned you, what are you going to do to defend yourself against the zombie invasion?  

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