Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Do not judge thy neighbor

After a little observation and some contemplation we have come to the conclusion that many people are quick to judge their neighbors based on the house they live in, how tall their grass is, what kind of car they drive, how much noise their children make while playing outside.  Neighbors complain about who is putting up a pool in 90 degree weather and call police.  They judge those who rent versus those who own.  Those people are so consumed by others lives because they really consumed by self loathing and are miserable in their own existence that they lash out frivolously at others in an attempt to justify their self hatred.

Often placing themselves on self created pedestal adorned by their own off spring that will most surely achieve the same status as the parents.  These people forbid their cherubs from associating with what they call dirt bags, riff-raff, scumbags and low-lifes, all based on rumors and the fact that they will never or would never go out of their comfort zone to meet and great the "other" neighbors.  They never offer to cut the grass or help repair a broken step, instead they call "code" about the grass or the unsightly house.

All these breeds and flourishes in the neighborhood via whispers and post to social media, it has grown through their children and will spread to the community quickly.  You all have solidified the metaphoric Zombification that we are seeing in our towns and cities, in our schools and our country.  My one single advice to you Mr. and Mrs. hyphenated 2.4 children with the manicured lawn, if you truly knew your neighbors and your neighborhood you would know that sometimes the nicest of doors, hide the wickedest secrets.  Do not bother to cast that stone, till you can not be judge.

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